The other day a guy walked in for an interview. His reason for quitting his present job was the fact that he was not getting to learn anything new. On grilling him further (and believe me guys i hate doing this) he came up with things like his present job requires him to work on limited aspects and the seniors around him are not interested in sharing their knowledge with juniors. Believe me it was only this guy who was responsible for his plight... neither his job nor his seniors. I wish this episode is registered by all of us as one that inspires us not to look out for others to help us out but to be able to find our own path. If that cant probably this will.... compare the story of this young guy with another...

This guy lost his girlfriend in a train accident.... but the gal's name nowhere appeared in the dead list. This guy grew up and became IT technical architect in his late 20’s, achievement in itself!! He hired developers from the whole globe and plan to make a software where he could search for his girlfriend through the web…Things went as planned... and he found her, after losing millions of dollars and 3 long years!! It was time to shut down the search operation, when the CEO of Google, Larry Page had a word with this guy n took over this application, This Software made a whopping 1 billion dollars profit in its first year, which we today know as ORKUT

The guy's name is ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN.... Yes its named after him !!
So let nobody come in the way of your dreams…. Just GO GET THEM
I have read your Bog, permission to read the next. I hope happy and healthy.